
How To Supercharge Your Webinar SaaS Strategy

Webinar SaaS


A statistics report by LiveWebinar presents that 85% of marketers say webinars are crucial to their marketing strategies.

That’s especially true for SaaS businesses since it can be a powerful form of content marketing. Webinars can also be a great way to generate leads, close deals, and build relationships with customers.

But how do you even prepare or run a webinar?

In this blog post, we will talk about different things you can do to boost your webinar SaaS strategy.

And the first step is understanding what a webinar is and the key elements that you need to improve.


What Is A Webinar?


A webinar is basically an online seminar. It’s a presentation, workshop, or class that’s conducted over the internet

Webinars are usually one-time events that are live and interactive. They can be used to deliver educational content, build relationships, or generate leads.


What Are The Different Types Of Webinars?


There are several types of SaaS webinars that you can run, each with its own purpose.


Educational Webinars


Educational webinars are designed to teach your audience about a specific topic. They usually involve a presentation followed by a Q&A session.

This kind of SaaS webinar doesn’t usually try to sell a product aggressively. Instead, they focus on creating brand awareness, providing value, and building relationships with potential customers.


Product Webinars


Product webinars are designed to showcase a specific product or feature. They usually involve a demo of the SaaS product followed by a Q&A session.

This type of webinar is usually used to generate leads or close deals that are in the late stages of the SaaS sales funnel.


Customer Webinars


Customer webinars are designed for current customers. They usually involve a presentation of new features or updates followed by a Q&A session.

The main goal for this type of SaaS webinar is customer retention. That’s why it’s usually used as customer success service. 

What’s more, it can also keep customers updated and engaged with your SaaS product especially when you have updates or new features.


Networking Webinar


Networking webinars are designed to bring together people with similar interests. They usually involve icebreaker activities and roundtable discussions.

This type of webinar is usually used to build relationships and create a community around your SaaS product.


Elements Of A SaaS Webinar


Every webinar will have different elements, but there are some common ones that you’ll find in most webinars.


Target Audience


As with any marketing strategy, the first step in webinar marketing is to identify your target audience.

Your target audience will determine the content, format, and tone of your webinar. It’s important to know who you’re trying to reach with your webinar so that you can create content that appeals to them.




The topic of your webinar should be something that’s relevant to your target audience.

Your webinar topic should be specific enough that people know what they’re going to learn from it, but not so specific that it excludes potential attendees.

For example, if you sell a project management SaaS solution, a webinar about “How To Manage Projects” would be too broad. But a webinar about “10 Steps To Optimizing Your Project Management Practices” would be specific.




Your webinar structure will depend on the type of webinar you’re running.

But in general, most webinars will have a similar structure that includes an introduction, the body, Q&A, and a call to action (CTA).

Introduction: The introduction should give an overview of what the webinar is about and why people should care. This part should take no more than 5 minutes.

Body: The body is the meat of the webinar. This is where you’ll deliver your presentation or demo. The body should be the longest part of the webinar and should take up around 20 to 25 minutes.

Q&A: The Q&A is an opportunity for attendees to ask questions about the webinar content. This part is crucial because it’s your chance to hear your attendees’ side.

It also allows you to address any concerns that people have and build relationships with potential customers.

Since it is also a very important part of the webinar, you should give it around 10 to 15 minutes.

Call To Action (CTA): The CTA is your opportunity to close the deal or get people to sign up for your product. This part should be clear and concise. It should also be relevant to the webinar topic.

The CTA should take no more than 3 minutes.




When you’re planning your webinar, it’s important to consider the scheduled date and time. It should be held at a time that’s convenient for your target audience.

According to the statistics report we mentioned earlier, the best time to run a live webinar is after lunch.

This makes sense when you think about it because people are usually more engaged and focused after they’ve taken a break.

You should also avoid running webinars on Mondays and Fridays because those are generally the busiest days of the week. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure that your webinar doesn’t conflict with any major holidays or events.

Running a live webinar during a busy time will only result in lower attendance and engagement.

What’s more, it’s also important to consider time zones when scheduling your webinar. You don’t want to inadvertently exclude potential attendees because of the time difference.




There are a lot of considerations when you’re promoting a SaaS webinar. And you need to nail most of them if you want to have a significant turnout.

Here are factors you should consider.

Your Target Audience: As we mentioned before, you’ll want to make sure that your webinar is properly marketed to your target audience.

This means creating a webinar landing page that’s optimized for conversions and promoting your webinar through channels that your target audience is active on.

That brings us to the next factor.

Promotion Channels: You should use multiple channels to promote your webinar. But which ones you use will depend on your target audience.

For example, if your target audience is active on social media, then promoting your webinar through Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook would be a good idea.

But if they’re not active on social media, then promoting your webinar through email marketing or Google Ads would be a better option.

And lastly, you should also promote your webinar through your own website and blog. This is a great way to increase webinar attendance from your existing customers or prospects who already know about your brand.

Value Proposition: Your webinar needs to have a strong value proposition if you want people to sign up

Your value proposition is what sets your webinar apart from all the other webinars out there. It’s what makes your webinar worth attending.

So make sure that your webinar has a clear and compelling value proposition. One that will make people want to attend your webinar.

Webinar Landing Page: A landing page is a must if you want to increase webinar attendance. This is the page where people will go to sign up for your online event.

And if you want to maximize conversions, then you need to make sure that your landing page is optimized.

Some of the things you’ll want to consider are the headline, copy, images, and CTA. You’ll also want to make sure that your landing page is mobile-friendly and that it loads quickly.

These are just some things you should consider when promoting your webinar. But if you nail them, then you’ll be in a good position to increase webinar attendance.


Webinar Marketing Strategies


There are a lot of different ways you can maximize your webinar marketing efforts. But not all of them are equally effective.

So in this section, we’re going to share some webinar marketing strategies that actually work.


1) Invite Industry Experts As Speakers


One way to make your webinar more attractive is to invite industry experts and thought leaders as speakers. This will give your webinar more credibility and authority.

Obviously, you can’t possibly do this for every webinar you’re going to run. After all, these experts don’t do it for free.

Instead, you can have a big name as a guest speaker so that you can create momentum. With luck, their presence can build your brand, which will help your future webinar marketing efforts down the road.

Then if you notice your attendance records declining, you can once again invite an expert to jolt those numbers up.


2) Create A Sense Of Urgency


Creating a sense of urgency is a great way to increase webinar signups. And there are a few different ways you can do this.

One way is to offer a limited-time discount for people who sign up for your webinar. This will create a sense of urgency and get people to sign up quickly.

Another way to create urgency is by using scarcity. For example, you can offer a limited number of spots for your online event. This will make people want to sign up quickly before all the slots are gone.


3) Leverage Social Proof


Social proof is a powerful psychological principle that you can use to increase webinar signups.

Basically, social proof means that people are more likely to take action if they see that other people are already taking that action.

So one way you can use social proof is by featuring testimonials from past webinar attendees on your webinar landing page. This will show potential attendees that your webinars are worth attending.

You can also use social media to your advantage here.

For example, you can post tweets from happy attendees during and after your webinar. This will show potential attendees that your webinars are popular and well-liked.


4) Leverage Webinars For Lead Generation


SaaS webinars are a great way to generate leads when they are used as lead magnets. And if you do it right, then you can generate a lot of high-quality leads.

A lead magnet is something that you offer people in exchange for their contact information. And webinars make great lead magnets.

This is because webinars are usually packed with valuable content. So if you can get people to sign up for your webinar, then you know they’re interested in what you have to say.

And once they’re on your webinar, you can then pitch them your SaaS product. If they’re interested, then they’ll give you their contact information so that you can follow up with them later.


5) Use Interactive Features During The Webinar


One of the things that make webinars more engaging than other forms of content marketing is their interactivity.

And if you want people to actually stay until the end of your webinar, then you need to make sure they have some level of interaction with you or the event itself.

People are far more likely to stick around for an interactive event than a boring, one-sided one. So make sure you use features like polls and chat boxes.

This will make your webinars more engaging and interesting for your attendees. Moreover, it will also help you build a relationship with them.


6) Follow Up After The Webinar


Just because the webinar is over doesn’t mean your job is done. In fact, you need to make sure you follow up with your attendees after the online event.

It shows that you’re professional and that you care about your attendees. It also gives you a chance to nurture your leads and bring them closer to being paying customers.

What’s more, it helps you build a relationship with your attendees. If they had a good experience on your webinar, then they’re more likely to do business with you in the future.

So make sure you send out a follow-up email to everyone who attended your event. In it, you can thank them for attending.

Even better, you can build a drip email campaign as a follow-up. A drip campaign is a series of emails that you automatically send out to your webinar attendees over a period of time.

And each email in the series can contain valuable content, like tips, advice, or even coupons.

This will further nurture your relationship with your webinar attendees and increase the chances of them doing business with you in the future.


7) Track Your Analytics & Adjust Accordingly


Finally, you need to track your analytics and adjust accordingly. This is the only way you’ll know what’s working and what’s not.

So make sure you track things like the following:

  • Webinar signups
  • Attendance rates
  • Completion rates
  • Conversion rates.

This will help you determine which practices are successful and which ones need improvement. And it will also help you fine-tune your webinar strategy so that you can get even better results in the future.


Final Thoughts About SaaS Webinars


SaaS webinars are a great way to not only increase leads and sales for your business. But also to retain more of your existing customers and reduce churn.

And if you use them correctly, they can be a powerful tool in your digital marketing arsenal.

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Ken Moo